Chilling With The Robots

The Boogie Man Will Get You

The Boogie Man Will Get You (1942) Rewatch: ✅

Look. This went straight to near the top of my all time of all time of all time films checklist around halfway through my first watch and it’s just the best thing. I bloody love The Boogie Man Will Get You with all my heart and soul.

There is a plot about sneaky old Boris experimenting to create a race of supermen in his basement but it’s second fiddle to him and Lorre trading jokes and jibes. The script plays to both their strengths and it also has my favourite bit in all films running through it with Lorre and his cat. It’s an absolute delight and look, I know the exact moment that cat is going to first appear and it still breaks me into a giggleathon, and it keeps working every other time too.

Really, if you have a fondness for horror comedy or just fancy some screwball laughs, this is an early belter. I’ve been feeling like crap all day and needed something lighter to watch and once again, it just left me grinning like nothing on Earth. Fantastic film.