Chilling With The Robots

Sorority Babes In The Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama

Sorority Babes In The Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988) Rewatch? ✅

Desperately needed something decent after accidentally inflicting the incredibly racist River Of Death on myself, a film that I’d file alongside the Allan Quatermain film from just a couple of years earlier as “please, just don’t” and so back to an old favourite for comfort.

Sorority Babes is a delight. It’s one of those films that could have oh so easily walked the wrong side of horror comedy, it could have more in common with a sleazy sex comedy or a kinda sad and unfunny edgy film than it does, it could have been all tits and no funnies, so so many ways it could have messed up and consigned itself to the dustbin of history.

Thankfully, instead it leans into the silly as a wish granting demonic gobshite of an imp is released from its prison inside a comically large trophy. From then on, it’s preoccupied with being completely daft as fuck rather than some sort of horror-Porkies or whatever. Heads roll, blood is spilled, there’s zombies and proper eighties lightning effects, it happily bops along from one scene to the next without a care in the world. It’s not gut wrenchingly hilarious or anything but it’s a good time film and Uncle Impy is a wonderfully crap puppet, as is right and correct.

I fear I may have watched it more times than is actually healthy over the years too. Never mind, eh.