Chilling With The Robots


Mausoleum (1983) Rewatch? ✅

Mausoleum is one of the films I keep in reserve for when I need a severe dose of Maximum VHS to cheer myself up with. It’s not the best of them as there’s an awful lot of rambly nothings and scenes going on too long but all the ingredients are there. The smoke machine, the lighting, the demon, the someone drew on it spooky eyes effects and some cracking, if all too brief, gore and, of course, horny dudes meeting their fate.

It also has, and this is important, Marjoe Gortner getting his innards pulled outside. It’s important to me anyway because whilst I have no decent defence of this, in both Mausoleum and Star Crash he gives me the creeps. Could I tell you why? No. It’s a vibes thing. So consider Mausoleum a bit of light relief, even if I do have to wait a while for it to get there.

It totally drags out some scenes, even the introduction of the mausoleum and the curse that sets the film up seems to go on forever but it does have a demon who sets people’s heads on fire so on balance, it’s comes out on top anyway.