Chilling With The Robots

Cult Of The Cobra

Cult Of The Cobra (1955) Rewatch: ✅

Some army dudes piss off a snake cult and get themselves cursed, with the promise that they’ll be killed off one by one.

If you can get past the boot polish hell of the first twenty minutes or so, there’s a cracking “people getting mysteriously knocked off, could it be…?” film in here.

Once the film moves back to America and it’s all about a mystery woman who may or may not be responsible for the deaths of the army crew, it’s enjoyable stuff. The snake cult stuff becomes a means to an end rather than the focus amd though it’s always rather predictable and very very hokey, it’s good fun. Pretty memorable ending too.

It’s just, you know, that first bit. Oof. Its one saving grace is that the snake cult appear to be fans of modern, theatrical, dance routines. But yeah, after that? Good stuff.